
Saksham Shrestha

Hey there! I am Computer science student and web dev enthusiast. I craft eye-catching, user-friendly websites that set you apart. Ready to elevate your online game together?


Hello! I'm Saksham Shrestha, a third-year Computer Science student with a fervent passion for frontend web development. My expertise lies in crafting dynamic and responsive web applications using JavaScript technologies like React and Next.js. My approach combines innovative design with functional simplicity, aiming to create user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing web experiences.

While my primary focus is on frontend development, I am actively expanding my skill set into backend territories, particularly with Node.js. This endeavor is part of my commitment to becoming a versatile developer capable of handling full-stack projects. Balancing my academic pursuits with practical application, I am eager to collaborate on projects that challenge and enhance my skills in both frontend and backend development.


These are some of the projects that I have built over the years that reflect my passion in software and design.


Below are some tools/technologies that I use very often.

Hey there!

Like what you see? Let's make magic happen!

Whether it's a new project you want to collaborate on, a job opportunity, or just a friendly hello, I'm all ears. I'm always on the hunt for ways to push boundaries and create something extraordinary. So don't be shy, let's connect and see what we can accomplish together. Have an amazing day!

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